2025 SIM Ministers Conference: A Call to the Ends of the Earth
This week, from March 4–9, the 2025 Ministers Conference is underway with the powerful theme: “I WILL GO TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH – Here Am I, Lord, Send Me.” This gathering is a time for spiritual renewal, learning, and recommitment to God’s mission.
From the Western, Central, and Northern regions, as well as the Honiara districts, ministers, pastors, VIAs, Bible workers, and facilitators have come together. A total of 372 attendees are present, making this a truly significant event. For the first time in history, spouses have been invited, recognizing their crucial role in ministry and support.
As the week unfolds, we ask for your prayers that every participant will be strengthened, encouraged, and inspired to serve faithfully. This is a time to seek God’s guidance, build connections, and embrace the mission ahead. May His Spirit move in a mighty way! “Here am I, Lord, send me!”