Adventist Health Department Conducts Live More Abundantly Health Training in Vanuatu
On the 26th of February, the Live More Abundantly (LMA) health training began at the Epauto Adventist Multi-purpose Centre in Port Vila. The Vanuatu Mission Health Department conducted the training, which was aimed at combating lifestyle diseases. More than 20 participants from Adventist churches on Efate attended the training sessions. The participants learnt about how to prevent diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Participants will now take the knowledge and skills gained from the training back to their respective churches to share with their congregations.
The Adventist Health Department hopes that this training will have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of the people of Vanuatu, as well as encouraging healthy habits and a greater awareness of the importance of preventative healthcare.

Photos by, Jean Pierre