Health Ministry Convention Highlights Importance of Holistic Wellness in Fiji
The Health Ministry Convention, organized by the Fiji Mission, took place at the Deuba campsite over the weekend from the 27th to the 29th of January. The convention was led by Health Director and Hope Clinic physician, Dr. Akuila Tabuavou, and aimed to educate attendees on various aspects of health and wellness. Sessions covered topics such as diabetes, eye care, mental health, dental health, and more. On Sabbath, President of the FIji Mission, Pr Nasoni Lutunaliwa gave a thought-provoking speech on the biblical and philosophical aspects of healthy living and ministry.
The convention also included practical sessions on hydrotherapy, health massages, backyard gardening, and more. The staff of the Pacific Eye Institute was present to provide extensive eye checks and distribute glasses and referrals. The Health Department will host similar events in the Northern and Western divisions next month.