Naha SDA Primary School Students Share Love and Care with Neighbors on Adventist Education Day

On April 6, 2023, over 100 upper primary students from Naha SDA Primary School in East Honiara, Solomon Islands participated in a visitation programme as part of the Adventist Education Day, planned by the Trans-Pacific Union Mission (TPUM). The school divided the students into four teams, each representing a sports team colour, to visit four elderly and sick neighbours in the community.

Each team brought along toiletries such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, soap powder, washing powder, toilet paper, and flowers to represent the love and care they had for their sick neighbours. Team Red also brought a bag of rice for Mr. Philip, and Team Blue provided a big bucket for Mr Jonathan to store water, as he was unable to walk.

All teachers participated in the visitation programme, and they were divided among the four teams. The students and teachers visited the following homes:

  • Mr. Philip, visited by Team Red (Naha 1)

  • Mr. Bened, visited by Team Yellow (Naha 4)

  • Mr. Jonathan, visited by Team Blue (GG Valley)

  • Mr. Tara, visited by Team Green (GG Valley)

Students Caldrian Taghoa, Miriam Pitakaka, and Kaylyn Ngarasi, as well as Deputy Head Teacher Annie Bekepio and Head Teacher Wellington Soga, shared their experiences from the visitation. They expressed feelings of happiness, blessing, and confidence as they prayed for the families, shared gifts, sang, and helped the sick neighbours.

Head Teacher Mr. Wellington Soga stated, "The school involvement on April 6, 2023, is indeed a blessing to the students, teachers, and the school as a whole." He thanked God for the opportunity to reach out to the neighbouring communities and expressed gratitude to the parents and guardians for their support.

Some highlights from the visitation programme included the emotional response from the sick grandfather visited by Team Blue, and the children and teachers helping to fill the big bucket with water for Mr. Jonathan. Additionally, the non-Adventist families expressed their gratitude for the visitations, and Mr. Philip requested the school to continue praying for them.

The Naha SDA Primary School's involvement in the visitation programme exemplified the spirit of "I will go to my neighbour," impacting the lives of the neighbours, families, and surrounding communities while reflecting Christ's love and care.


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