Tongan SDA Schools Achieve Accreditation Through Adventist Framework
Tonga Mission has made a significant stride in its education sector as three of its schools achieved accreditation through the Quality Adventist School (QAS) framework. Mere Vaihola, the Education Director of the Trans Pacific Union, visited the Tonga Mission from April 8-13, witnessing the progress made by the local schools over the last two years while implementing the QAS framework to support their improvement journey. The visiting team, comprising representatives from PAU, FAUC, mission Education Directors, Associates, Principals, and local mission principals, was impressed by the schools' growth and affirmed their status as Adventist schools.
The accreditation, which will last for five years, comes with ongoing visits from the Union and a Mid-Year term review report submission to the TPUM Board of Education. The visiting team had the opportunity to reach out to local churches to promote Adventist education and enhance the relationship between schools, churches, and homes.

Vaihola described the accreditation as a "huge achievement" and expressed gratitude for God's faithfulness. This accomplishment serves as motivation for other mission schools striving to achieve accreditation during this quinquennium.
Members of the visiting team shared their experiences, with Bevan Tutuo, Principal of Betikama Adventist College, saying, "This trip has been an eye-opener for me, especially visiting Tongan schools. I was part of the Beulah College accreditation team and was very impressed with the teacher's documentation and the special character displayed throughout the school."
Some challenges still face the Tongan education system, such as the need for community and local church involvement in following the proper procedure for establishing new schools and addressing the presence of more non-Adventist students and teachers in schools. Nevertheless, the recent accreditation of the three schools demonstrates the dedication and hard work of the Tonga Mission and the support it receives from the Trans Pacific Union.