TPUM Staff Share Literature Around the Neighbourhood
On February 22, 2023, staff at the Trans Pacific Union Mission (TPUM) office in Tamavua took an afternoon off from work to share literature with their surrounding communities and neighbours. Led by Pr Maveni Kaufononga, president of the TPUM, three groups were designated to three different routes to follow.
The literature distributed included the book 'The Great Hope' and the Signs of the Times Magazine, Pacific edition. Meri Vuloaloa, HR Coordinator at TPUM, said, "It was a great experience, knowing that people were open to receiving these resources. Even for those homes that did not really want to receive the literature, we were happy knowing that we tried."
This outreach effort is just the beginning, as there are plans to visit other nearby areas in the future. The goal is to pray and seek potential interests that would slowly be invited to church events and gatherings.
During the debriefing after the distribution, Pastor Maveni emphasised that reaching out to our neighbours should be a part of our lifestyle, in line with the theme "I will go to my Neighbours".