10K Toes Promotes Health and Wellness in Navosa Province

10K Toes ambassadors and lead ambassadors held a screening event on Thursday, March 30, 2023, during the fundraising drive of the Noikoro Investment and Development Company PTE LTD in the province of Navosa, the district of Noikoro in the village of Vatubalavu. The event was attended by representatives from the villages of Namoli, Korolevu, Nukuilau, Nakoro, Nubuyanitu, Draubuta, and Vatubalavu.

The event's aim was to promote health and raise awareness of the dangers posed by adopting a lifestyle based on a high-fat diet, processed food, dairy products, and a lack of physical activity. The 10K Toes resources were organized, and teams from Nadi, Suva North, and Suva South were deployed to spread the message that "eating right," "living right," and "ending right" is a reversible concept that can allow patients with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) to enjoy more years of living and get sick less often.

The prevalence of NCDs in Fiji is a reality that demands a quick turnaround in our lifestyle so that we can adopt instant change to eating a more plant-based diet and remove animal diets from our eating habits. A total of 110 people were screened, and five people were identified as "high-risk" and referred to Vatumali hospital for further treatment.

Guest speakers, including Ratu Semi Nagata of Nubuyanitu village, Master Peni Dakua, and Jona Nawaqavou, emphasized the need for unity and working together at the vanua level, religious level, social level, and political level to manage NCDs. They also encouraged the consumption of vegetables and avoidance of processed foods and fizzy drinks. The communities were advised to remain true to their plant-based diets and avoid processed foods. The need to follow the acronym NEWSTART and practice it religiously will alleviate a lot of health issues in the community.

Dr. Ela from Vatumali Hospital, who was present with her team, appreciated the professional standards set by the 10K Toes in conducting screenings. The village headman at Vatubalavu recommended that 10K Toes visit all the villages in the district and spread the gospel of health.

According to the Fiji Mission, the event was well-received, and 10K Toes was invited again to be present at the next meeting in June, to be held at Nukuilau village. The event is planned to be held on a quarterly basis (March, June, September, and December).


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