Resilience in the Face of Devastation: How the People of Vanuatu Overcame Cyclones Judy and Kevin

Vanuatu was hit by two powerful cyclones between the 28th of February and the 4th of March, causing widespread damage to infrastructure and homes. Despite being a country prone to natural disasters, the resilience of its people has been evident in the aftermath of Cyclones Judy and Kevin.

Mrs Cecile Trief, Media Director for Vanuatu Mission, says, "The country has several 'active volcanoes, tropical cyclones sweeping across its islands, heavy rains sweeping houses and gardens with floodings, etc... But despite all that, I confirm, with what I have seen that the people of Vanuatu are RESILIENT people."

Cyclone Judy and Cyclone Kevin struck the country only a few days apart, causing extensive damage. However, according to Cecile, even amid this devastation, the people of Vanuatu remained strong and united, coming together to help one another.

Despite the destruction caused by the cyclones, Mrs. Trief notes that lives were spared and families were grateful for their safety, saying, "Thank You Jesus for watching over us!" The Vanuatu government and humanitarian organizations, such as ADRA, "the humanitarian arm of the SDA Church," immediately began working to assist those affected by the cyclones.

In addition to the damage inflicted upon homes and infrastructure, schools were also heavily impacted by the cyclones. However, the government stepped in to restore the damage caused to buildings, and aid organizations such as the Fijian Army provided free health checks and assistance with rebuilding.

As Mrs. Trief reflects on the situation, she is reminded of the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:21-22, 42, "For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will... Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming."

Despite the challenges faced by the people of Vanuatu in the aftermath of the cyclones, their resilience and faith have shone through. The Vanuatu Mission personnel have been actively involved in helping to rebuild and restore the country, and ADRA and other humanitarian organizations continue to provide assistance to those in need. As Mrs Trief notes, "We want to say THANK YOU... to all those who have contributed in 'being the sermon' to others."


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