ADRA Promotes Sustainable Cocoa Farming at World Food Day in Solomon Islands
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) recently took part in World Food Day celebrations in East Honiara, Solomon Islands, where it highlighted its work supporting local farmers. Centered around the theme “Right to food for a better life and better future,” the event provided ADRA with an opportunity to showcase chocolate products crafted from fresh cocoa, sourced directly from farmers in Northeast Guadalcanal and North Malaita who participate in ADRA’s Soul Cocoa Livelihood Project (SCLP).
The SCLP is designed to empower cocoa farmers in the Solomon Islands, helping them to increase their income through sustainable farming practices. By learning essential crop management techniques such as pruning, grafting, and integrated pest and disease control, cocoa-growing households are equipped to produce high-quality cocoa crops. Moreover, the project fosters collaboration among farmers in the marketing of their products, creating a support network that enhances both their skills and market reach.
ADRA’s display at the event was an engaging exhibit that included a range of items representing the cocoa production process. Visitors could see and sample seeds, seedlings, cocoa fruits, dried cocoa beans, and cocoa powder. ADRA representatives also took the opportunity to educate attendees about the Soul Cocoa Livelihood Project, explaining its goals and encouraging more people to get involved. This initiative stands as a testament to ADRA's commitment to supporting local farmers in the Solomon Islands, promoting food security, and fostering sustainable development within the community.