Adventist Youth Wins Territorial Poetry Competition, Heads to Nationals in Washington, DC

The American Samoa Council on Arts, Culture and Humanities in conjunction with the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Out Loud Foundation hosted its 3rd Annual Poetry Out Loud competition on March 17th, 2023. 

The Poetry Out Loud competition is a national poetry recitation competition in which a high school student can benefit by competing against other high school students.  Amongst this year’s competition were students from eight local high schools - five of which were private institutions (run by local churches) and three public schools. 

After the third and final round, Adventist youth and pathfinder member, Hazel Ipuniuesea Leo, swept the competition - landing Iakina Adventist Academy with the overall win this year. 

Hazel Ipuniuesea Leo is a sophomore at Iakina Adventist Academy and is the daughter of Elder Alofau Leo and her mother Tala Ropeti - Leo. After placing 3rd place overall in the previous school year, Hazel was determined to do the best she could to display her love for poetry this year, and by the Grace of God, she succeeded. 

As the territorial winner, Hazel I Leo and her chaperone, Miss Jessebeth Lynn Ropeti, will be travelling to Washington, DC in May on a fully funded trip where Hazel will compete with other students from around the United States in this year’s National Poetry Out Loud Competition. 

Hazel Ipuniuesea Leo dedicates this accomplishment to God, who was and will always be her biggest help, school, church, and most significantly - her family. 

Keep Hazel in your prayers as she prepares for this life-changing experience, and congratulations once again on this huge achievement! Praise the Lord! 

Story by - Miss Jessebeth Lynn Ropeti


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