Empowering Communities: ADRA's First AidTraining Initiative in the Solomon Islands

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in the Solomon Islands has recently taken a significant step towards community empowerment and safety by organizing an extensive two-day First Aid Training at its Kukudu Branch Office in the Western Province. Held on November 6th and 7th, this initiative was aimed at equipping ADRA staff and local community members with vital skills to effectively handle emergency situations.

The primary objective of this training was to provide essential first aid knowledge and procedures to ADRA staff who are actively engaged in various projects across the Western Province. This would enhance the staff's ability to respond swiftly and efficiently in emergencies during their work.

This training programme brought together ADRA staff from the Western Province and 13 community members from Iriri Village on Kolobangara Island, fostering a sense of community and shared learning. The training was facilitated by a First Aid Facilitator from the Solomon Islands Red Cross (SIRC) in Honiara, ensuring that the participants received instruction from a knowledgeable and experienced source.

The planning and organization of the First Aid Training were undertaken by the Disaster Risk Resilient (DRR) Project. This involvement underscores the commitment of ADRA and its partners to building a more resilient community capable of tackling various emergencies.

Raynick Jack, the Emergency Management Coordinator for the DRR Project, shared that the participants expressed great satisfaction with the practical aspects of the training delivered by the SIRC facilitator. For many attendees, this was their first exposure to such training, leading to a realization of how prior incidents in their lives could have been mitigated with the knowledge they now possessed. In light of the training's success and the positive response from participants, ADRA is planning a follow-up training session to reinforce and expand these vital skills.

Through initiatives like the First Aid Training at Kukudu, ADRA is not only enhancing the emergency response capabilities of its staff but also empowering community members with life-saving skills. This approach reflects a holistic strategy towards community development and resilience, aiming to prepare individuals to effectively manage emergencies, thereby contributing to the safety and well-being of the broader community in the Solomon Islands.


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