TPUM Administrators Council 2023: Visionary Leadership and Mission Focus

From November 14th to 20th, 2023, the TPUM (Trans-Pacific Union Mission) Administrators Council convened under the inspiring theme 'Call to Action', marking a significant chapter in its dedication to mission and outreach efforts across the Pacific.

In his opening address, President Kaufononga welcomed the attendees, highlighting the critical role each plays in actualising the vision of a vibrant Adventist community. The 'Call to Action' theme, he noted, is an emphatic call to translate faith and ideals into impactful, service-oriented deeds.

The week-long council, which brought together Presidents from all TPUM Mission countries, Mission Secretaries, and CFOs, was characterised by a series of intensive sessions and workshops. A notable feature was a high-powered Professional Development session provided by executives from the Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing Company, offering valuable leadership and managerial insights to the administrators.

The event was enhanced by the health-focused initiative of the 10k toes campaign team, who supplied refreshing fruit juices, emphasising the importance of holistic health for effective leadership.

The council's agenda included discussions on church administration, strategies for mission work, innovative financial management, and special training sessions on various mission-related topics. These sessions emphasised the necessity for adaptive and forward-thinking leadership in today's dynamic world.

As the TPUM Administrators Council 2023 concluded, it left a lasting impact, signalling a new era of visionary leadership and mission-focused endeavours. It set the stage for future efforts, showing the TPUM's dedication to being more than just administrators, but also leaders who inspire and make a real difference in their communities and beyond, ready to be ‘Called to Action’.


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