The Catalyst team from the SPD Institute for Discipleship is currently on the campus at Fulton Adventist University College conducting training for 55 young adults from across the TPUM who have signed up for one year missionary service to Indonesia, a country with a predominantly Muslim population, in the context of the General Conference Mission Refocus initiative.
The Catalyst team, led by Dr Gilbert Cangy, accompanied by Drs David & Carol Tasker, Dr Nick Kross, Pr. Nicholas Kross, Pr. Eliki Kenivale, Carol Boehm and a team of leaders from Indonesia. The missionaries in training are initially being led into a deeper understanding of the nature of the Kingdom of God and experience with the Holy Spirit as they are taught to develop life transforming spiritual habits.
This foundational spiritual training is conducted in the context of a thorough cultural orientation of Indonesia and an understanding of methods and practice of skills that will equip them for their service. A strong emphasis is placed on Christ’s method which begins with mingling, showing sympathy, ministering to needs, and winning before bidding to follow; sharing of their testimony, conducting Bible studies and leading missional small groups are essent5ial elements of the training.
Pr. Maveni Kaufononga TPUM President and Pr. Linray Tutuo Ministerial Secretary and their support staff are on location to direct the operation and inspire the team.
Story: Dr. Gilbert Cangy - Director, Institute for Discipleship, SPD.