Solomon Islands Mission Churches Celebrate Successful July Pentecostal Harvest
Churches across the Solomon Islands Mission (SIM) are rejoicing in the wake of a successful July Pentecostal harvest, marking a significant milestone in their evangelistic efforts. The preparations, which were part of the larger "I Will Go to My Neighbour" initiative, saw an impressive turnout and numerous baptisms across the islands.
One of the churches that reaped the fruits of their labour is the Burnscreek Highway Intergeneration Wellness Church. Their focus for the year to foster a caring, spiritual, and healthy community bore fruit, as they celebrated new baptisms following a series of Bible studies and campouts in preparation for the July harvest.
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In the United Dominated Village in South Vellala Vella District, Western Region, the propagation of the Advent message, facilitated by Franklyn and his wife, Lucy Julius, yielded a successful harvest. Their evangelistic meetings and Zoom Bible studies, led by Pr. Vince David and Dr. Chester, respectively, saw many individuals embracing the faith and getting baptised.
The commitment to continuously train and equip local church leadership proved to be a fruitful endeavour. Under the guidance of Pr. Mockson Wale, the Western Region saw the successful training of elder leaders at South and North Vella districts, bolstering the strength of local congregations.
A week-long programme run by Pr. Bruce Likaveke in the Southwest of Choiseul ended in triumph, with life skills training during the day and successful preaching sessions at night, resulting in the baptism of two new members. This marked a significant advancement in the Adventist presence in the region, previously dominated by the United Church.
In the Northeast of Malaita, the "I Will Go to My Neighbour" initiative saw success with a series of preparatory meetings leading up to the July harvest, resulting in 14 new baptisms on the Islands of Hatodea.
SIM-affiliated schools also joined in the celebration, having prepared numerous candidates for the July Pentecostal harvest. Betikama Adventist College led the way with a spiritual emphasis week that culminated in the baptism of 55 souls - the school's first baptism for 2023.
The remarkable success of the July Pentecostal harvest across the Solomon Islands Mission is a testament to the renewed energy among churches in their evangelistic efforts. This success is paving the way for a future filled with hope and spiritual growth.
Story by Pr David Filo