The 10,000 Toes Campaign-Lifestyle Medicine Summit, September 2024
“Find your reason why!” This was the heartfelt message for every ambassador who attended the 10,000 Toes Campaign Lifestyle Medicine Summit in Fiji, held at the Lagoon Resort, Pacific Harbor. The summit focused on health, wellness, and diabetes prevention, combining physical activities, expert-led training sessions, and spiritual reflection to promote holistic well-being.
More than 150 ambassadors gathered for this 3-day celebratory and educational summit. Organized by the Trans-Pacific Union Mission (TPUM) and the Fiji Mission (FM) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the event featured renowned speakers, including Dr. Eduardo Ramirez from the USA, and four speakers from Australia, including Campaign Director Pamela Townend and Dr. Geraldine Pryzybilko. Pioneer Dr. Chester Kuma also spoke, bringing along 10 Solomon Islands 10,000 Toes Ambassadors, three of whom paid their own way. The summit also aimed to involve Seventh-day Adventist pastors in their leadership roles as health champions. Regional leaders and representatives from each of the island countries where our campaign is present also attended.
It is important to note that all our ambassadors, whether attending or not, are volunteers. They are trained and equipped with kits that allow them to conduct screenings and lifestyle intervention programs to combat diabetes and lifestyle diseases. The campaign runs on donations, enabling us and our ambassadors to turn the tide on non-communicable diseases (NCDs). We thank our supporters for their contributions, which allow this work to continue! With over 6,000 ambassadors across 13 Pacific Island nations, and many more trained but yet to be added to our database, our reach continues to grow.
Day 1: The summit kicked off with the launch of “Step Up to Wholeness” by Pamela Townend. Attendees participated in practical workshops on alternative treatments, including therapeutic juicing, hydrotherapy, poultices, plant-based cooking, and massages, facilitated by Bitu Wellness, Mili Mataika, and the Hope Clinic Fiji team. The evening program featured Chief Guest and keynote speaker Dr. Luisa, Chief Medical Advisor of MOH Fiji, and a devotion by TPUM President, Pr. Maveni Kaufononga, followed by presentations on the success of the 10,000 Toes Campaign and the future of health.
Day 2: The day began with health-focused lectures, including “Inflammation: The Cause of Most Complications of Diabetes” by Dr. Eddie Ramirez and “Brain Plasticity” by Dr. Chester Kuma. Sessions emphasized the link between spirituality and health, with Dr. Ramirez discussing the Biology of the Sabbath. The afternoon highlighted regional reports from various Pacific Island nations, with Fiji Mission President, Pr. Nasoni Lutunaliwa, closing the day’s sessions with a devotion. The evening featured an awards and entertainment night, celebrating the efforts of the 10,000 Toes Campaign Ambassadors. Fiji Ambassadors and island representatives took their awards and badges back to their countries to give the recognition they deserve. The room was filled with emotion and celebration as we sang the newly introduced 10,000 Pacific Anthem before ending the night.
Day 3: The event concluded with the regular morning beach workout and devotion, followed by thought-provoking presentations on potential health threats, mind-body connections, and managing depression in diabetics. The day ended with the Ambassadors Voice session, a group discussion on improving the campaign. Finally, Regional Director, George Kwong gave the closing remarks titled “I have a Dream” which left attendees inspired to continue the fight against diabetes and other lifestyle diseases in their communities. All in all, the weekend blended all the 7 dimensions of wellness, offering a comprehensive approach to whole-person health.