The Transformation of Adventist Schools in the Solomon Islands

The Trans Pacific Union Mission established the Quality Adventist School Framework (QASF) to ensure quality, sustainability and, moreover, distinctive Adventist schools in the region. Since its commencement in recent years, QASF has struggled with effective implementation across the TPUM. While QASF mentorship and support concentrated on Adventist schools in urban areas, the challenges of implementing QASF were evident in rural areas. Schools in Northeast Choiseul in the remote region of the Solomon Islands were no exception. Ranging from increasing numbers of untrained teachers, limited access to teaching and learning resources, poor financial support, lack of effective communication and collaboration means, and limited professional development opportunities, these factors hindered the QASF in rural schools like Tagibangara Adventist Primary School in Northeast, Choiseul.

A school needs assessment conducted in January 2023 at Tagibangara Adventist Primary School identified key priority areas for school improvement, including the pressing need for teacher professional development to promote quality teaching and learning. Committed Adventist educators, Northeast Choiseul Constituency, and the local Tagibangara Communities worked together over the last three months on a school improvement project. The project aimed to provide professional development online resources for Tagibangara Adventist Primary School teachers. Under the leadership of Dr Elisapesi Manson, a consultant for Adventist Schools, the school improvement project plans to provide a series of online professional development workshops on effective teaching pedagogies for rural contexts. It also aims to promote the Adventist ethos in student learning, provide online resources, and provide digital support to teacher upgrading via distance learning with teacher training providers in the region, such as Fulton Adventist University College.

Valued at SD$200,000, the school improvement project was launched on Thursday, 4 May 2023 at Tagibangara, Northeast Choiseul, and dedicated by retired Pastor Lawrence Tanabose, a former General Secretary for the South Pacific Division. An innovative approach to teaching in rural schools was achieved with the successful ground installation of a 1.2-meter Internet VSAT dish powered by a solar system. Internet and wireless services are now provided using a Ubiquity Dream Router (UDR), laptop and smartphone, and video conferencing is adequately supported with a 42” smart TV and a webcam.

It was a moving experience for all teachers, students, and the local communities to watch during the launching of the project live via Zoom. The TPUM Education Director, Mrs Mere Vaihola, thanked Tagibangara communities for their commendable teamwork. One of the teachers expressed her sincere thanks to the project's donors with tears of joy for such a worthwhile and timely initiative.

Story by Elisapesi Manson


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