TPUM’s new theme focused on the great commission

Pastor Maveni Kaufononga and TPUM staff.

Pastor Maveni Kaufononga and TPUM staff.

The Trans Pacific Union Mission (TPUM) held a launch ceremony for their 2023 theme, “I Will Go to My Neighbour,” at their office in Suva, Fiji on February 9. The ceremony was led by TPUM president Pastor Maveni Kaufononga and attended by TPUM office staff.

Pastor Kaufononga shared the significance of the theme, explaining that it is a response to the great commission given by Jesus to spread the gospel and make disciples of all nations. He highlighted the importance of reaching out to our neighbours and sharing the love of God with them.

As part of the launch, TPUM also produced a video to promote the new theme and resources.

The ceremony also included a dedication prayer service for the new resources developed by the TPUM Discipleship team. TPUM youth director Pastor Uili Tino offered the special prayer, dedicating resources such as a Pacific edition of Signs of the Times, a shareable version of The Great Controversy titled The Great Hope, and a series of 24 “Simple Ways” GLOW tracts. These resources are now available at local mission offices across the TPUM.

“The launch of the ‘I Will Go to My Neighbour’ theme and the dedication prayer service for the new resources demonstrate TPUM’s commitment to spreading the gospel and reaching out to those in their communities,” said TPUM communications coordinator John Tausere. The newly developed resources are expected to be a valuable aid in their efforts to fulfil the great commission.


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