‘Journey to Wholeness’ for Pacific Health Leaders
The Trans-Pacific Union Mission (TPUM) and South Pacific Division (SPD) recently organised a Heath training program for health leaders from around the TPUM, at the Coral Coast Christian Camp in Deuba, Fiji, from the 14th to 22nd of March, 2023. The program comprised two workshops: the Addiction Recovery Program and the Lifestyle Coaching Skills program. The training was sponsored through the 10,000 toes campaign.
The programs were organised by the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist health ministry department, facilitated by Katia Reinert, PhD, FNP, Associate Director of General Conference Health Ministries, and Adventist Recovery Ministries Global coordinator. The Addiction Recovery Program focused on understanding addiction and interventions and the spiritual concepts of recovery and healing. The Lifestyle Coaching Skills program emphasized the importance of lifestyle coaching and how to approach it effectively.
40 participants from around the Trans-Pacific Union, including Tonga, Samoa, American Samoa, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Nauru, and Fiji all received certificates at the end of each workshop.

Afamasaga Ben Tofilau, one of the participants, said, “This training reminded me that we are only able to direct those who are sick and in need of healing to Jihova-Rapha ‘God who Heals’, He is the Healer, our work is to direct patients to Him.”
Teera Tarataake from Kiribati shared, “I learnt that to be a good coach, I need to be a good listener, and that begins with me at home, with my family.”
Julie Elisala from Tuvalu expressed, “My ‘take home’ thought from this training is to integrate more the health message with the true healer and Life-giver, Jesus Christ.”
“I learnt that addictions are not only the really bad things that we normally talk about, like drugs, and alcohol, mentioned Dr. Flora Lutui from Tonga stated, “but even small things like divulging in sugary foods, long hours on social media, and sports can all be an addiction which we need to be careful of.”
Mr George Kwong, TPUM Health Coordinator and 10,000 Toes Ambassador director said, “It has been a very successful Health training where our Health leaders from around the pacific region can be informed, inspired, and equipped to take this knowledge and skills back to their countries and missions.”
Dr Katia Reinert emphasised the importance of being connected to Jesus while extending the healing ministry to others. She said, “We are Jesus’ hands and feet on this earth, so in order to extend the healing ministry to others, we ourselves need to be connected to Him who is the source of all true and lasting healing.”